Sell Your Home for More with a Pre-Listing Inspection

Have you thought about a pre-listing inspection?
Have you thought about a pre-listing inspection?

The fastest way to derail a pending offer is by having major mechanical or structural issues revealed during the home inspection. One way to get ahead of any possible concerns raised by buyers is by conducting a professional, pre-listing inspection before putting your home on the market.

What is a Pre-Listing Inspection?

A pre-listing inspection is an evaluation of your home that reveals flaws. If your furnace needs to be replaced, or there are leaks in the roof, an inspection will highlight these issues, allowing you to pay for repairs now or set your listing price accordingly for an “as is” property. The inspection deficiencies give you more knowledge and options. Around 80% of all real estate deals are conditional upon home inspections, so be prepared by having an inspection done ahead of time.

Earn More Money by Planning Ahead

It may seem as though paying for a pre-listing inspection is an unnecessary expense, but it’s invaluable. For every $1,000 of perceived repairs, buyers will offer $3,000 to $5,000 less. This adds up quickly if the house needs multiple repairs, especially if roofing or siding needs to be replaced. You need this information sooner rather than later to set a realistic asking price for your home.

Market the House as Inspected

Buyers always want to know as much as possible about the home they’re planning on buying. Make your home stand out by marketing it as inspected and be prepared to share the inspection report with potential buyers.

Not sure who to call for an inspection of your property? Ask your Mel Foster Co. agent for a local, reliable recommendation.


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